September 30, 2011

More about the author

As my profile says, my name is Helena and I am a graduate student at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona working towards a Masters in Applied Communication. I received my BA in Communication and a minor in Psychology from the University of Arizona in Tucson, AZ in 2002. I graduated with a cumulative GPA of 3.357. My grades are in parenthesis following class title.

Communication classes during undergraduate:
COMM 100: Fundamentals of Communication (B)
COMM 104: Interpersonal Communication (A)
COMM 103: Small Group Communication (A)
COMM 200 & 280: Fundamental Analysis of Communcation and Lab (A) & (A)
COMM 281: Field Methods in Communication (A)
COMM 445: Communication of Poetry (B)
COMM 318: Persuasion (B)
COMM 300: Introduction to Communication Theory (B)
COMM 325: Argumentation (C)
COMM 417A: Relational Communication: Close Relationships (C)
COMM 410: Struggle for the Presidency (B)
COMM 411: Communication and Conflict Management (A)
COMM 312: Applied Organizational Communication (B)
COMM 369A: Health Communication (A)
COMM 409: Theories of Mass Communication (D)

Other classes:
ABE 120: Microcomputing Applications (A)
CHEM 103A & 104A: Fundamentals of Chemistry and Lab (C) & (A)
MCB 181L & 181R: Intro to Biology (C) & (C)
TRAD 104: Mind, Matter and God (A)
TRAD 103: Drama and Dance in Western Culture (A)
INDV 101: Structure of the Mind and Behavior (A)
W S 195A: Freshmen seminar on Ethics and Genetics (A)
FREN 195A: French and Italian Culture and Literature (A)
FCR 297A: Student Assistant for Residence Halls (P)
PHIL 121: Western Civilization: Justice and Virtue (B)
ENG 101 & 102: English (A) & (A)
AN S197A: Health and Biology of Animals (A)
MTH 105: Math in Modern Society (A)
W S 200: Women and Western Culture (A)
INDV 102: Current Issues in Psychology (similar to Psych 101) (B)
T AR 103: Theatre Appreciation (A)
PSYC 230: Psychology Measurements (A)
PSYC 360: Social Psychology (B)
PSYC 381: Abnormal Psychology (A)
PSYC 375: Industrial Organizational Psychology (C)
PSYC 290B: Research Methods (A)
ITAL 101-104: Italian (A), (B), (A), (A)
NATS 101: Honors Introduction to Environmental Science (A)
NATS 102: Universe and Humanity: Origin and Destiny (B)
GEOS 212: Intro to Oceanography (B)
JUS 352: Israeli Women (C)
SOC 324: Honors Sociology of Sexuality (A)

So far I have taken the following classes during my graduate career:

COM 600: Communication Theory (A)
COM 601: Introduction to Graduate Research (A)
COM 698: American Rhetoric (A)
SC 565: American Political Communication (A)
SC 575: Health Communication (A)
SC 568: Communication, Technology and Society (A)
SC 572: Organizational Communication
WGS 601: Topics in Feminist Study
COM 590: Rhetorical Theory
COM 697: Independent Study on Listening

Most papers on this blog will come from my masters program but I did write a few good pieces in my undergraduate degree that will be posted here as well. So enjoy and feel free to engage me in debate over the pieces.

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